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Hi My name's Lizbeth,

     Welcome to my story. First and foremost I want to say thank you. Whether I’ve known you since kindergarten or we are total strangers, if you are sitting here reading this you are helping me achieve my dreams. I guess you can say I never outgrew my “pop star” phase. I grew up watching people like Miley Cyrus and one of my favorite indie rock bands, Kingsfoil and I knew that I wanted to be exactly like them.

    This dream only grew as I did. And in the fall of my eighth grade year I made one of the best decisions of my life. I picked up the old dusty acoustic guitar that had been sitting in the corner for the last five years and learned a song called “Long Way Home”. And that was the start. From that day on everything started slowly falling into place. Song after song was written and open mic after open mic was performed at. And that was just the start.

    This brings us to August 2016. I went into the studio and recorded my first single. Which I am very excited to share with you all. The song is called “Super Woman” and it’s the first step in a whole world that I am ready to share with you all.

    So again, thank you. And welcome to the new era.

